2017-02-04 - The Fillmore

Set 1: Morph Dusseldorf 1 > Spaga , And the Ladies Were the Rest of the Night > Magellan 2 > Exodus 3 4 > Astronaut 4 5
Set 2: Mindless Dribble > Crickets 6 7 > Basis For A Day 8 , Spectacle , Basis For A Day 8 > And the Ladies Were the Rest of the Night
Encore 1: Hope
1 dyslexic completion of 2/3 version
2 completes 2/2 version (no end vocals)
3 FTP (Bob Marley)
4 with Tom Hamilton on guitar
5 completes 2/3 version (no middle)
6 inverted
7 with ‘Denmark Massive’ teases
8 dyslexic